Thursday, November 4, 2010

Golf Club Repair Made Easy

Everything you need to know about golf club construction, repair, maintenance and custom fitting in this new book Golf Club Repair Made Easy.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How to Get That Perfect Golf Swing

Many golf players, including those who play golf for a living and those who have access to all the professional golf swing instructions, trainings and lessons, still make great efforts to improve their golf swinging techniques and they practice day by day just to get it right. Playing golf while doing it all wrong just does not make the game more fun than it is supposed to be.

Golf is one of the most technical sports and it requires a lot of patience and practice in the part of the player. So in order to chase that perfect golf swing, you should master it by heart and practice with diligence. To start off, here are important golf tips to get your golf swing in the right direction:

Mental and Physical Fitness

As stated above, golf is a technical game so it requires tough thinking skills and physical fitness. These are the things that most players overlook. And that is why many of them play with inconsistent shots. Stay positive while playing the game, a negative energy from you would not get you good results. Use your mind to visualize the area in where you want the ball to land and use your body with the correct posture and position to achieve that proper golf swing. Do not forget to exercise and warm up before you tee off.

Golf Club Grip, Swing and the Stance

The golf grip and swing are evidently significant to the outcome of your golf game, and so is the stance or the positioning of your body and feet. Start out by applying the correct stance when you use your driver. Eventually you will also discover a different stance that will go with each golf club in your golf bag.

Also, while you are practicing your golf swing, you have to make a point that your stance is as wide as your shoulders at all times when using a driver. And another important thing that you need to consider with your golf swing technique is your target and your aim which is supposed to be correctly aligned at all times. With time and practice you will be able to improve your golf swing and stance and how to use them together.

Take easy and relaxed swings

A golf game is about swinging, we all know that. But oftentimes we get tempted to swing too hard thinking that it will hit the ball to the right place and get that hole in one. But if you keep on doing that, you will only get undesirable results. Instead, take easy, fluid, and relaxed swings to get the motion down. This way, not only will you be able to feel good about your swings, it also allows you to control your swings.

With all of these and a lot of patience and practice, you will be able to finally get that perfect swing. But always remember, no two bodies are created the same so it is still best to look for that perfect golf swinging technique for you. Just practice, practice, and take a lot of practice. As Tiger Woods said: "no matter how good you get you can always get better and that is the exciting part".

Get more tips on How to Perfect your Golf Swing by visiting my site at

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

101 Stretches for Golf

Everybody in golf needs to stretch! Here is a very comprehensive guide perfect for every level of golfer. Seller pays 75% on product and upsell.

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

How to Achieve the Perfect Golf Swing - 4 Quick and Easy Tips to Improve Instantly!

Even the pros sometimes need help with their golf swing. However, the difference between the pros and most amateurs is that the pros take the time to learn about their golf swing.

They look at each golf swing element and then address them individually. Some of the basic areas they constantly work to achieve the perfect golf swing includes the grip, stance, ball position, alignment, flexibility, balance, and the swing plane.

The foundation of a perfect golf swing starts with your grip and stance. You want balance when it comes to your golf swing, and this begins with a solid stance. Your feet should be a little more than shoulder's width apart. Your grip should be comfortable and not too tight. One sign that you may be gripping your golf club too tightly is if your hands begin to ache during your round or after you have finished playing.

Tip 1: You should also focus on your fitness level.

If you truly wants to achieve a perfect golf swing you also focus on your body fitness. The reason why is because you need flexibility. With greater flexibility comes increased power which will improve everything about your golf swing. Without being flexible, you will not be able to take a full golf swing, taking the club back far and finishing with a thorough follow-through.

Tip 2: Golf training aids can quickly improve your golf swing.

Many easy to use golf training or teaching aids can be found online, such as golf impact indicators or golf swing trainers. Integrating equipment such as training aids into your golf practice routine will bring some great improvements to your golf swing and game on the course.

Tip 3: What about equipment?

No matter how much you work on your perfect golf swing, if you are not using the right equipment you will always be hindered. Make sure you are using the right size golf clubs that have the right club shafts in them. Also, try and find a golf ball that is right for the type of golf game that you play.

Tip 4: Constant and dedicated training.

You can have the best tools and all the knowledge in the world but what it really boils down to is your level of dedication. The best golfers in the world spend countless hours on the driving range working on their golf swing. You have to be willing to invest time and energy if you truly strive to have the perfect golf swing.

To learn how to play golf like a pro and significantly lower your score, visit my website for more information Click Here to find out how

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Golf Swing Drills to Help Develop the Perfect Golf Swing

There are some golf swing drills to help develop the perfect golf swing. If you are struggling to get your golf swing down; then you have come to the right place. We are going to discuss some of the

golf swing drills to help develop the perfect golf swing.

However I highly recommend if you are struggling in the game and have tried all kinds of tutorials and reading books on how to properly swing the golf club; then you may want to consider hiring a golf pro to help you improve your game. They may be able to help you with perfect golf swing drills, so that you will be more confident when you are playing your next game.

You can easily do these drills from the comfort in your home; however you may want to step out in the back yard otherwise you may break something.

The perfect golf swing starts with the proper back swing with the golf club swung right back to the limit of your body. When you reach this segment of the golf swing drill, learn how to focus your mind on the rotation of your body and the arm extension; your mind will always be one step ahead of the club.

The next step is the drill is going to move down to the actual swing, which will start at the lower part of the body, which will include your legs and hips. You will want to focus on how you transfer you weight. Instead of transferring the weight from the front to the back; focus on transferring the weight from the back to the front of the knees, thighs, and hips will all be moving forward.

Be Light On Your Feet: A sure way to improve your golf swing is to move your weight through the golf ball. The basic principle to hit long and hard lies in reverse weight shift. You must not sway but turn in such a way that your back foot's spikes are in plain view.

You will want to end the perfect golf swing with the body weight on the outside of the front heel and the inside of the rear foot.

Of course you are going to have to pay attention to the form of your body and will take a lot of practice. You may even have to change your current form; because most likely you have picked up some bad habits, otherwise you would not be looking up information on how to improve your golf swing.

You will have to retrain your mind and muscles to work in this motion. However if you are willing to put in the right amount of practice you can improve your game.

If you found this article on "golf swing drills to help develop the perfect golf swing" helpful; visit our site below. It is filled with useful information on how to improve your overall game! You will be amazed how quickly you can get better and become the envy of all your golf buddies.

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